Frequently asked questions

Why are we more expensive than our competitor?

  • We charge more because Walton county is big and it take a lot fuel. Sign up multiple homes for discounts.

  • When we reach the scale to start hiring employees, we want to be able to provide them with a hiring than average wage. We want our employees to be able to financially enjoy the wonderful things in our area.

  • We also have factored in the inflation of fuel prices. This way that we wont be raising our prices in the future when fuel prices go up.

  • We take glass. Glass is heavy when put in to bulk. We currently have to pay to drop off our glass materials to be recycled.

Why is this important?

  • By recycling we can extend the lifespan of our landfill by 25-50 years.

  • We can create and provide jobs for our locals with a good wage.

  • We can keep our waterways and beautiful Emerald Coast pristine for generations to come.